Our Response to COVID-19
"How the Beverly Presbyterian Church is Responding to the Challenges Presented by the Pandemic"
The Presbytery of West Jersey gave each of its churches a $5000 grant with the instruction to pick a mission and out reach project for its use. Our church decided to buy equipment to stream our worship services. After research, a group of members decided on the equipment needed and the program to be used for the streaming. The streaming equipment had only been up and running a few weeks before churches were closed due to the pandemic. This created the perfect opportunity for members of the congregation to step up and create new ministry opportunities online. We turned the tables on COVID-19 and found new levels of excitement through a ministry that only a few months before did not even exist.
We have been streaming our services live from the sanctuary with just the Pastor and a technician in the room. Because of contributions of video performances from members and friends, we have been able to include beautiful and uplifting music. The services have also included children's sermons which were conceived of by one of our members who calls them Backyard Bible messages. They have been extremely successful with even the adults looking forward to them each week and were a direct response to our not being able to gather for worship. Each service includes a wonderful message from our interim pastor Reverend Keith Schmitt.
In addition to our regular Sunday morning services, we celebrated Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter in this way with a virtual communion on Maundy Thursday . A virtual communion will continue to be served on the first Sunday of each month until we are able to meet in the sanctuary, again.
We have a contemporary praise service which is also telecast, either from the sanctuary or the living room of the leaders.
The Red Cross blood drive which we had committed to before the shut down was able to be accomplished because of the efforts of several members who completely disinfected the room to be used. We plan on another blood drive in June.
There has been a concentrated effort to minister to our members with phone calls and written messages. For example, the Deacons sent Mother's Day cards with a hand written message to all the ladies. This replaced a gift on that Sunday which the Deacons traditionally handed out as the ladies entered church.
Our food pantry has been able to continue for two months, using bags that were packed before the church was closed. We do not want to abandon this worthwhile and needed service. We have applied to the Presbytery for a $500 grant for this purpose.
The prayer meeting which we hold on Monday evenings has continued via Zoom
We are making use of many technological venues besides sermon.net. These include; YouTube Facebook, Zoom, and Roku. We believe our decision to wholeheartedly enter the world of technology happened at just the right time and we expect many new things to continue happening at the Beverly Presbyterian Church well beyond this current pandemic.UPDATE 10/1/2020 - REOPENING GUIDELINES
1.) Everyone in attendance will be expected to wear a mask. At this point we assume that everyone has one, but if you should arrive at the church without a mask, some masks will be available. We will also make available hand sanitizer as you enter the church.
2.) Entrance to the sanctuary will be from the side door only—not the rear door or the door to the education wing. An usher/elder host will greet you and guide you to a seat, which may not be where you have traditionally sat previous to COVID-19.
3.) There will be no bulletins; rather we will project congregational responses on the large screen which was used a couple times before the church shut down for the virus.
4.) Your tithes and offerings will be received as you enter the sanctuary, and these will be brought forward at the appropriate moment for dedication to our Lord’s ongoing ministry. Please have them ready upon arrival.
5.) We will practice social distancing. Families may worship as a unit, but again others will be expected to maintain a safe distance one from another, even on the way into the sanctuary.
6.) The choir will not be singing since that can spread the virus, and the congregation will not be singing either. Music will be solos and perhaps an occasional, socially distanced duet/trio.
7.) There will be no coffee or fellowship hour as we don’t wish to risk exposure to the virus.
8.) Our live-streaming service will continue. This new ministry was intended for those unable to attend worship and set in place just as the coronavirus broke out. So BPC was better prepared than many churches. This way, you will be able to enjoy a more traditional service of worship in the sanctuary or tune into the service at bpclive.sermon.net.
9.) A group picture will be taken of those in attendance each week. This will facilitate contact tracing in the eventuality that someone should come to the church infected with the virus.
If you have any questions or concerns in regards to the above mandated guidelines, please contact the church office Monday-Friday from 9am-1pm.